related to Serpent development
Selected publications related to Serpent development, special features and applications are listed below. The entries are categorized under related topics
in alphabetical order.
The list is not complete, and redundant or outdated publications have been omitted for clarity. A more
comprehensive list covering also
journal articles, conference papers, theses and reports from the Serpent user community
was maintained until around 2019.
Burnup algorithms
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Dufek, J., Kotlyar, D., Shwageraus, E. and Leppänen, J.
"Numerical stability of the predictor-corrector method in Monte Carlo burnup calculations of critical reactors."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 56 (2013) 34-38.
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Dufek, J., Kotlyar, D. and Shwageraus, E.
"The stochastic implicit Euler method – A stable coupling scheme for Monte Carlo burnup calculations."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 60 (2013) 295-300.
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Dufek, J. and Valtavirta, V.
"Time step length versus efficiency of Monte Carlo burnup calculations."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 72 (2014) 409-412.
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Isotalo, A. and Aarnio, P.
"Comparison of depletion algorithms for large systems of nuclides."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 38 (2011) 261-268.
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Isotalo, A. and Aarnio, P.
"Higher order methods for burnup calculations with Bateman solutions."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 38 (2011) 1987-1995.
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Isotalo, A. and Aarnio, P.
"Substep methods for burnup calculations with Bateman solution."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 38 (2011) 2509-2514.
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Isotalo, A., Leppänen, J. and Dufek, J.
"Preventing xenon oscillations in Monte Carlo burnup calculations by enforcing equilibrium distribution."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 60 (2013) 78-85.
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Isotalo, A.
"Computational methods for burnup calculations with Monte Carlo neutronics."
D.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2013.
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Isotalo, A. and Sahlberg, V.
"Comparison of Neutronics-Depletion Coupling Schemes for Burnup Calculations."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 179 (2015) 434-459.
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Isotalo, A.
"Comparison of Neutronics-Depletion Coupling Schemes for Burnup Calculations -- Continued Study."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180 (2015) 286-300.
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Leppänen, J. and Isotalo, A.
"Burnup calculation methodology in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, TN, Apr. 15-20, 2012.
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Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"New Stochastic Substep Based Burnup Scheme for Serpent 2."
In proc. PHYSOR 2018, Cancún, México, Apr. 22-26, 2018.
Depletion solver (CRAM)
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Pusa, M. and Leppänen, J.
"Computing the matrix exponential in burnup calculations."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 164 (2010) 140-150.
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Pusa, M.
"Rational approximations to the matrix exponential in burnup calculations."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 169 (2011) 155-167.
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Pusa, M. and Leppänen, J.
"An efficient implementation of the Chebyshev rational approximation method (CRAM) for solving the burnup equations."
In proc. PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, TN, Apr. 15-20, 2012.
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Pusa, M.
"Accuracy considerations for Chebyshev rational approximation method (CRAM) in burnup calculations."
In proc. M&C 2013, Sun Valley, ID, May 5-9, 2013.
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Pusa, M.
"Numerical methods for nuclear fuel burnup calculations."
D.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2013. (VTT Science 32)
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Pusa, M. and Leppänen, J.
"Solving linear systems with sparse Gaussian elimination in the Chebyshev rational approximation method (CRAM)."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 175 (2013) 250-258.
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Pusa, M.
"Correction to partial fraction decomposition coefficients for Chebyshev rational approximation on the negative real axis."
arXiv:1206.2880v1 [math.NA].
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Pusa, M.
"Higher-Order Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method (CRAM)."
In proc. PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - Oct. 3, 2014.
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Pusa, M.
"Higher-Order Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method and Application to Burnup Equations."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 182 (2017) 297-318.
Domain decomposition
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Garcia, M., Ferraro, D., Sanchez, V., Mercatali, L., Leppänen, J. and Valtavirta, V.
"Development of a Spatial Domain Decomposition Scheme for Monte Carlo Neutron Transport."
In proc. ICONE26, London, UK, Jul. 22-26, 2018.
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Garcia, M., Leppänen, J. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"A Collision-based Domain Decomposition scheme for large-scale depletion with the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 152 (2021) 108026.
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Garcia, M.
"A high-fidelity multiphysics system for neutronic, thermalhydraulic and fuel-performance analysis of Light Water Reactors."
D.Sc. Thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2021.
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Jambrina, A., Leppänen, J. and Garcia, M.
"Enabling Large-Scale Depletion in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code by Collision-Based Domain Decomposition."
In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
Dynamic simulations / transients
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Aufiero, M., Fiorina, C., Laureau, A., Rubiolo, P. and Valtavirta, V.
"Serpent-OpenFOAM Coupling in Transient Mode: Simulation of a Godiva Prompt Critical Burst."
In proc. M&C + SNA + MC 2015 Nashville, TN, Apr. 19-23, 2015.
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Ferraro D., Alberto P., Villarino E. and Doval A.
"A Multi-physics Analysis for the actuation of the SSS in OPAL Reactor."
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., 4 (2018) Article 8.
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Ferraro, D., Faucher, M., Mancusi, D., Zoia, A., Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"SERPENT and TRIPOLI4® Transient Calculations Comparisons for Several Reactivity Insertion Scenarios in a 3D PWR Minicore Benchmark."
In proc. M&C 2019, Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
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Ferraro, D., Garcia, M., Valtavirta, V., Imke, U., Tuominen, R., Leppänen, J. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"Serpent/SUBCHANFLOW pin-by-pin coupled transient calculations for the SPERT-IIIE hot full power tests."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 142 (2020) 10387.
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Ferraro, D., Garcia, M., Valtavirta, V., Imke, U., Tuominen, R., Leppänen, J. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"Serpent/SUBCHANFLOW pin-by-pin coupled transient calculations for a PWR minicore."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 137 (2020) 107090.
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Ferraro, D.
"Monte Carlo-based multi-physics analysis for transients in Light Water Reactors."
D.Sc. Thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2021.
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Leppänen, J.
"Development of a dynamic simulation mode in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
In proc. M&C 2013, Sun Valley, ID, May 5-9, 2013.
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Valtavirta, V., Ikonen, T., Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Simulating fast transients with fuel behavior feedback with the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - Oct. 3, 2014.
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Valtavirta, V.
"Uncertainty Underprediction in Coupled Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Simulations with Serpent 2."
In proc. M&C + SNA + MC 2015 Nashville, TN, Apr. 19-23, 2015.
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Valtavirta, V., Hessan, M. and Leppänen, J.
"Delayed Neutron Emission Model for Time Dependent Simulations with the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code - First Results."
In proc. PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-6, 2016.
Fission matrix
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He, D. and Walters, W.
"A local fission matrix correction method for heterogeneous whole core transport with RAPID."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 134 (2019) 263-272.
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Laureau, A., Aufiero, M., Rubiolo, P., Merle-Lucotte, E. and Heuer, D.
"Transient Fission Matrix: Kinetic calculation and kinetic parameters Β_eff and Λ_eff calculation."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 85 (2015) 1035-1044.
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Laureau, A., Heuer, D., Merle-Lucotte, E., Rubiolo, P., Allibert, M. and Aufiero, M.
"Transient coupled calculations of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor using the Transient Fission Matrix approach."
Nucl. Eng. Design, 316 (2017) 112-124.
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Laureau, A., Buiron, L. and Fontaine, B.
"Local correlated sampling Monte Carlo calculations in the TFM neutronics approach for spatial and point kinetics applications."
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., 3 (2017) Article 16.
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Laureau, A., Buiron, L. and Fontaine, B.
"Towards spatial kinetics in a low void effect sodium fast reactor: core analysis and validation of the TFM neutronic approach."
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., 3 (2017) Article 17.
Fission source convergence / variance reduction in criticality calculations
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Jambrina, A., Leppänen, J. and Suikkanen, H.
"Enhancing the Performance of Fission Source Convergence with Functional Expansion Tallies in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 04001.
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Leppänen, J.
"Acceleration of Fission Source Convergence in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code Using a Response Matrix Based Solution for the Initial Source Distribution."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 128 (2019) 63-68.
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Mickus, I. and Dufek, J.
"Optimal neutron population growth in accelerated Monte Carlo criticality calculations."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 117 (2018) 297-304.
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Bilodid, Y. and Leppänen, J.
"Effect of the Uniform Fission Source Method on Local Power Variance in Full Core Serpent Calculation."
EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 04024.
Functional expansion tallies
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Jambrina, A. and Leppänen, J.
"Functional Expansion Tally-Based Shannon-Fisher Complexity Metric for Fission Source Convergence Analysis in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
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Jambrina, A. and Leppänen, J.
"General Formulation of Functional Expansion Tallies for Regular 2D Geometries in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
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Jambrina, A. and Leppänen, J.
"3D Spherical Functional Expansion Tallies in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, May 16-20, 2022.
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Wendt, B., Kerby, L., Tumulak, A. and Leppänen, J.
"Advancement of functional expansion capabilities: Implementation and optimization in Serpent 2."
Nucl. Eng. Design, 334 (2018) 138-153.
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Wendt, B.
"Functional Expansions Methods: Optimizations, Characterizations, and Multiphysics Practices."
Ph.D. Thesis, Idaho State University, 2018.
Fusion applications
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Colling, B., Burns, A., Eade, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Assessment of Serpent 2 application to fusion neutronics."
In proc. 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Giardini Naxos, Italy, Sept. 16-21, 2018.
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Leppänen, J. and Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"Expanding the Use of Serpent 2 to Fusion Applications: Shut-down Dose Rate Calculations."
In proc. PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-6, 2016.
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Lu, Y., Zhou, G., Hernandez, F., Pereslavtsev, P., Leppänen, J. and Ye, M.
"Benchmark of Serpent-2 with MCNP: Application to European DEMO HCPB breeding blanket."
Fusion Eng. Design, 155 (2020) 111583.
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Koleva, M., Tardini, G., Zohm, H., Äkäslompolo, S. and Leppänen, J.
"Calibration of neutron detectors at ASDEX Upgrade, measurement and model."
Fusion Eng. Design, 170 (2021) 112702.
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Sirén, P. and Leppänen, J.
"Expanding the use of Serpent 2 to Fusion Applications: Development of a Plasma Neutron Source."
In proc. PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-6, 2016.
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Sirén, P., Varje, J., Äkäslompolo, S., Asunta, O., Giroud, C., Kurki-Suonio, T. and Weisen, H.
"Versatile fusion source integrator AFSI for fast ion and neutron studies in fusion devices."
Nucl. Fusion, 58 (2017) 016023.
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Sirén, P., Varje, Weisen, H. and Koskela, T.
"Synthetic neutron camera and spectrometer in JET based on AFSI-ASCOT simulations."
J. Instrum., 12 (2017) C09010.
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Sirén, P.
"Modelling of JET and ITER reactor relevant plasma neutron source for neutronics calculation chain."
D.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2018.
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Turner, A., Burns. A., Colling, B. and Leppänen, J. (2018).
"Applications of Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code to ITER Neutronics Analysis."
Fusion Sci. Technol., 74 (2018) 315-320.
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Valentine, A., Colling, B., Worrall, R. and Leppänen, J.
"Benchmarking of the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code for Fusion Neutronics Applications."
EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 04015.
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Valentine, A., Worral, R. and Leppänen, J.
"Investigation of novel weight window methods in Serpent 2 for fusion neutronics applications."
Fusion Eng. Design, 178 (2022) 113090.
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Žohar, A., Štancar1, Z., Batistoni, P., Conroy, S., Snoj, L. and Lengar, I.
"Validation of Serpent for Fusion neutronics analysis at JET."
EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 18001.
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Äkäslompolo, S., Koschinsky, P., Kontula, J., Biedermann, C., Bozhenkov, S., Kurki-Suonio, T., Leppänen, J., Snicker, A., Wolf, R., Wurden, G.
"Serpent neutronics model of Wendelstein 7-X for 14.1 MeV neutrons."
Fusion Eng. Design, 167 (2021) 112347.
General description
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Leppänen, J.
"A new assembly-level Monte Carlo neutron transport code for reactor physics calculations."
In proc. M&C 2005, Avignon, France, Sept. 12-15, 2005.
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Leppänen, J.
"Current status of the PSG Monte Carlo neutron transport code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Sept. 10-14, 2006.
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Leppänen, J.
"Development of a new Monte Carlo reactor physics code."
D.Sc. Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2007. (VTT Publications 640)
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Leppänen, J., Pusa, M., Viitanen, T., Valtavirta, V. and Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"The Serpent Monte Carlo code: Status, development and applications in 2013."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 82 (2015) 142-150.
Group constant generation and point-kinetics parameters
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Bilodid, Y., Kotlyar, D., Shwageraus. E., Fridman, E. and Kliem, S.
"Hybrid microscopic depletion model in nodal code DYN3D."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 92 (2016) 397-406.
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Dorval, E.
"Monte Carlo methodologies for neutron streaming in diffusion calculations - Application to directional diffusion coefficients and leakage models in XS generation."
D.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2016.
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Kaltiaisenaho, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Analysing the Statistics of Group Constants Generated by Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - Oct. 3, 2014.
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Leppänen, J., Aufiero, M., Fridman, E., Rachamin, R. and van der Marck, S.
"Calculation of effective point kinetics parameters in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 65 (2014) 272-279.
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Leppänen, J., Mattila, R. and Pusa, M.
"Validation of the Serpent-ARES code sequence using the MIT BEAVRS benchmark - Initial core at HZP conditions."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 69 (2014) 212-225.
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Leppänen, J. and Mattila, R.
"Study on computational performance in generation of cross sections for nodal simulators using
continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculations."
J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 52 (2015) 945-952.
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Leppänen, J., Pusa, M. and Fridman, E.
"Overview of methodology for spatial homogenization in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 96 (2016) 126-136.
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Leppänen, J. and Mattila, R.
"Validation of the Serpent-ARES code sequence using the MIT BEAVRS benchmark – HFP conditions and fuel cycle 1 simulations."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 96 (2016) 324-331.
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Rintala, A., Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"Microscopic cross section calculation methodology in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 164 (2021) 108603.
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Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"Estimating the effects of homogenized fuel temperature in group constant generation using Serpent 2."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 105 (2017) 79-94.
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Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"A Novel Monte Carlo Leakage Correction for Serpent 2."
In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
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Valtavirta, V.
"Critical Spectrum Burnup Calculations with Serpent Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2023, Niagara Falls, Canada, Aug. 13-17, 2023.
High-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR)
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Leppänen, J.
"Randomly dispersed particle fuel model in the PSG Monte Carlo neutron transport code."
In proc. M&C + SNA 2007 Monterey, CA, Apr. 15-18, 2007
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Leppänen, J., DeHart, M.
"HTGR reactor physics and burnup calculations using the Serpent Monte Carlo code."
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 101 (2009) 782-784.
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Leppänen, J.
"HTGR modeling capabilities in the Serpent Monte Carlo code."
In proc. IYNC-2010, Cape Town, South Africa, Jul. 12-18, 2010.
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Rintala, V., Suikkanen, H., Leppänen, J. and Kyrki-Rajamäki, R.
"Modeling of realistic pebble bed reactor geometries using the Serpent Monte Carlo code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 77 (2015) 223-230.
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Suikkanen, H., Rintala, V. and Kyrki-Rajamäki, R.
"An approach for detailed reactor physics modelling of randomly packed pebble beds."
In proc. HTR 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 18-20, 2010.
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Suikkanen, H., Ritvanen, J., Jalaji, P. and Kyrki-Rajamäki, R.
"Discrete element modelling of pebble packing in pebble bed reactors."
Nucl. Eng. Design, 273 (2014) 24-32.
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Hirvensalo, M., Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.
"Triangular Geometry Model for Ants Nodal Neutronics Solver."
In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
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Ikonen, T., Loukusa, H., Syrjälahti, E., Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J. and Tulkki, V.
"Module for thermomechanical modeling of LWR fuel in multiphysics simulations."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 84 (2015) 111-121.
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Ikonen, T., Syrjälahti, E., Valtavirta, V., Loukusa, H., Leppänen, J. and Tulkki, V.
"Multiphysics simulation of fast transients with the FINIX fuel behaviour module."
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., 2 (2016) Article 37.
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Lauranto, U., Komu, R., Rintala, A. and Valtavirta, V.
"Validation of the Ants-TRACE code system with VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmarks."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 190 (2023) 109879.
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Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A., Hovi, V., Tuominen, R., Peltonen, J., Hirvensalo, M., Dorval, E., Lauranto, U. and Komu, R.
"Current Status and On-Going Development of VTT’s Kraken Core Physics Computational Framework."
Energies, 15 (2022) 876.
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Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.
"Extension of nodal diffusion solver of Ants to hexagonal geometry."
In proc. AER 28, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 8-12 Oct., 2018.
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Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.
"Pin power reconstruction method for rectangular geometry in nodal neutronics program Ants."
In proc. NENE 2019, Portorož, Slovenia, 9-12 Sep., 2019.
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Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.
"Extension of nodal diffusion solver of Ants to hexagonal geometry."
Kerntechnik, 84 (2019) 252-261.
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Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U.
"Time-dependent neutronics model of nodal neutronics program Ants."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 190 (2023) 109868.
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Sahlberg, V. and Rintala, A.
"Development and first results of a new rectangular nodal diffusion solver of Ants."
In proc. PHYSOR 2018, Cancún, México, Apr. 22-26, 2018.
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Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V.
"BEAVRS pin-by-pin calculations with Ants-SUBCHANFLOW-SuperFINIX code system."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 180 (2023) 109447.
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Valtavirta, V., Hovi, V., Loukusa, H., Rintala, A., Sahlberg, V., Tuominen, R. and Leppänen, J.
"Kraken—An Upcoming Finnish Reactor Analysis Framework."
In proc. M&C 2019, Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
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Valtavirta, V., Lauranto, U., Hovi, V., Peltonen, J., Rintala, A., Tuominen, R. and Leppänen, J.
"High Fidelity and Reduced Order Solutions to an SMR-level Progression Problem With the Kraken Computational Framework."
EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 06014.
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Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U.
"Validating the serpent-ants Calculation Chain Using BEAVRS Fresh Core Hot Zero Power Data."
ASME J. of Nuclear Rad Sci., 8 (2022) 044504.
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Valtavirta, V. and Rintala A.
"Validating Kraken for VVER-1000 fuel cycle simulations using the X2 benchmark."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 190 (2023) 109878.
Molten-salt reactors (MSR)
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Aufiero, M.
"Development of advanced simulation tools for circulating fuel nuclear reactors."
Ph.D. Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, 2014.
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Aufiero, M. and Fratoni, M.
"Development of Multiphysics Tools for Fluoride-cooled High-temperature Reactors."
In proc. PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-6, 2016.
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Stewart, J.
"GEN-FOAM Multiphysics Model for Molten Salt Reactors."
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2020.
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Hombourger, B.
"Conceptual Design of a Sustainable Waste Burning Molten Salt Reactor."
Ph.D. Thesis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, 2018.
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Mardus-Hall, R., Ho, M., Pastrello, A. and Yeoh, G.
"3-Way coupled thermohydraulic-discrete element-neutronic simulation of solid fuel, molten salt reactor."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 135 (2020) 106973.
Rykhlevskii, A., Whan Bae, J. and Huff, K.
"Modeling and simulation of online reprocessing in the thorium-fueled molten salt breeder reactor."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 128 (2019) 366-379.
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Ferraro, D., Garcia, M., Imke, U., Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"Serpent/SCF pin-level multiphysics solutions for the VERA Fuel Assembly benchmark."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 128 (2019) 102-114.
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Garcia, M., Ferraro, D., Valtavirta, V., Tuominen, R., Imke, U., Leppänen, J. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"Serpent2-SUBCHANFLOW pin-by-pin modelling capabilities for VVER geometries."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 135 (2020) 106995.
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Garcia, M., Tuominen, R., Gommlich, A., Ferraro, D., Valtavirta, V., Imke, U., Van Uffelen, P., Mergatali, L., Sanches-Espinoza, V., Leppänen, J. and Kliem, S.
"A Serpent2-SUBCHANFLOW-TRANSURANUS coupling for pin-by-pin depletion calculations in Light Water Reactors."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 139 (2020) 107213.
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García, M., Bilodid, Y., Basualdo Perello, J., Tuominen, R., Gommlich, A., Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Imke, U., Ferraro, D., Van Uffelen, P., Seidl, M. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"Validation of Serpent-SUBCHANFLOW-TRANSURANUS pin-by-pin burnup calculations using experimental data from a Pre-Konvoi PWR reactor."
Nucl. Eng. Design, 379 (2021) 111173.
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García, M., Vocka, R., Tuominen, R., Gommlich, A., Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Imke, U., Ferraro, D., Van Uffelen, P., Milisdörfer, L. and Sanchez-Espinoza, V.
"Validation of Serpent-SUBCHANFLOW-TRANSURANUS pin-by-pin burnup calculations using experimental data from the Temelín II VVER-1000 reactor."
Nucl. Eng. Technol., 53 (2021) 3133-3150.
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Leppänen, J., Viitanen, T. and Valtavirta, V.
"Multi-physics coupling scheme in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 107 (2012) 1165-1168.
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Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Viitanen, T. and Aufiero, M.
"Unstructured Mesh Based Multi-Physics Interface for CFD Code Coupling in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - Oct. 3, 2014.
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Tuominen, R., Valtavirta, V., Peltola, J. and Leppänen, J.
"Coupling Serpent and OpenFOAM for Neutronics - CFD Multi-physics Calculations."
In proc. PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-6, 2016.
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Tuominen, R., Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"Application of the Serpent–OpenFOAM Coupled Code System to the SEALER Reactor Core."
In proc. PHYSOR 2018, Cancún, México, Apr. 22-26, 2018.
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Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J. and Viitanen, T.
"Coupled neutronics–fuel behavior calculations in steady state using the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 100 (2017) 50-64.
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Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"Coupled Burnup Calculations with the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 16-20, 2017.
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Valtavirta, V.
"Development and applications of multi-physics capabilities in a continuous energy Monte Carlo neutron transport code."
D.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2017. (VTT Science 150)
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Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"Effects of Fuel Temperature History Approximations on Neutronics Properties of a BWR Assembly."
In proc. PHYSOR 2018, Cancún, México, Apr. 22-26, 2018.
Photon and coupled neutron/photon transport
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Häkkinen, S.
"Serpent 2 Validation for Radiation Shielding Applications."
ASME J. of Nuclear Rad Sci., 8 (2022) 042001.
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Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"Implementing a photon physics model in Serpent 2."
M.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2016.
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Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"Photonuclear Reactions in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2019, Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
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Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"Photon transport physics in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Comp. Phys. Comm., 252 (2020) 107143.
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Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"Implementing a beta bremsstrahlung source in Serpent."
VTT-R-00953-18, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2018.
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Leppänen, J., Kaltiaisenaho, T., Valtavirta, V. and Metsälä, M.
"Development of a Coupled Neutron / Photon Transport Mode in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 16-20, 2017.
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Valtavirta, V. and Tuominen, R.
"Validation and verification of the photon transport capabilities in Serpent 2.1.27."
VTT-R-00494-17, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2017.
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Zerovnik, G., Abrozi, K., Calic, D., Fiorito, L., Govers, K., Hernandes Solis, A., Kos, B., Kromar, M., Schillebeeck, P., and Stankovskiy, A. (2019)
"Characterization of Spent PWR Fuel for Decay Heat, Neutron and Gamma-Ray Emission: Code Comparison."
In proc. M&C 2019, Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
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Aufiero, M., Bidaud, A., Hursin, M., Leppänen, J., Palmiotti, G., Pelloni, S. and Rubiolo, P.
"A collision history-based approach to sensitivity/perturbation calculations in the continuous energy Monte Carlo code SERPENT."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 85 (2015) 245-258.
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Aufiero, M., Palmiotti, G., Salvatores, M. and Sen, S.
"Coupled reactors analysis: New needs and advances using Monte Carlo methodology."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 98 (2016) 218-225.
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Aufiero, M., Martin, M. and Fratoni, M.
"XGPT: Extending Monte Carlo Generalized Perturbation Theory capabilities to continuous-energy sensitivity functions."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 96 (2016) 295-306.
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Valtavirta, V.
"Nuclear data uncertainty propagation to Serpent generated group and time constants."
VTT-R-04681-18, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2018.
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Valtavirta, V., Aufiero, M. and Leppänen, J.
"A Novel Temperature Sensitivity Calculation Methodology for the Serpent Monte Carlo Code."
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 121 (1019) 1469-1472.
Temperature treatment and on-the-fly Doppler-broadening
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Viitanen, T.
"Implementing a Doppler-preprocessor of cross section libraries in reactor physics code Serpent."
M.Sc. Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Explicit treatment of thermal motion in continuous-energy Monte Carlo tracking routines."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 171 (2012) 165-173.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Explicit temperature treatment in Monte Carlo neutron tracking routines -- First results."
In proc. PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, TN, Apr. 15-20, 2012.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Optimizing the implementation of the target motion sampling temperature treatment technique -- How fast can it get?"
In proc. M&C 2013, Sun Valley, ID, May 5-9, 2013.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Target motion sampling temperature treatment technique with elevated basis cross section temperatures."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 177 (2014) 77-89.
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Viitanen, T., Leppänen, J. and Forget, B.
"Target Motion Sampling Temperature Treatment Technique with Track-Length Estimators in OpenMC -- Preliminary Results."
In proc. PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - Oct. 3, 2014.
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Viitanen, T.
"Development of a stochastic temperature treatment technique for Monte Carlo neutron tracking."
D.Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, 2015. (VTT Science 84)
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Effect of the target motion sampling temperature treatment method on the statistics and performance."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 82 (2015) 217-225.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"Temperature Majorant Cross Sections in Monte Carlo Neutron Tracking."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180 (2015) 209-223.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"New Interpolation Capabilities for Thermal Scattering Data in Serpent 2."
In proc. PHYSOR 2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-6, 2016.
Transport simulation and physics
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Kaltiaisenaho, T.
"Statistical tests and the underestimation of variance in Serpent 2."
VTT-R-00371-14, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2014.
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Leppänen, J.
"Two practical methods for unionized energy grid construction in continuous-energy Monte Carlo neutron transport calculation."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 36 (2009) 878-885.
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Leppänen, J.
"Performance of Woodcock delta-tracking in lattice physics applications using the Serpent Monte Carlo reactor physics burnup calculation code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 37 (2010) 715-722.
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Leppänen, J.
"Modeling of nonuniform density distributions in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code."
Nucl. Sci. Eng., 174 (2013) 318-325.
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Leppänen, J.
"On the use of delta-tracking and the collision flux estimator in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo particle transport code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 105 (2017) 161-167.
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Tuominen, R., Valtavirta, V. and Leppänen, J.
"New energy deposition treatment in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo transport code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 129 (2019) 224-232.
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Tuominen, R., Valtavirta, V., Garcia, M., Ferraro, D. and Leppänen, J.
"Effect of energy deposition modelling in coupled steady state Monte Carlo neutronics/thermal hydraulics calculations."
EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 06001.
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Viitanen, T. and Leppänen, J.
"New Data processing features in the Serpent Monte Carlo code."
J. Korean Phys. Soc 59 (2011) 1365-1368.
Unstructured geometry
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Leppänen, J. and Aufiero, M.
"Development of an Unstructured Mesh Based Geometry Model in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - Oct. 3, 2014.
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Leppänen, J.
"Development of a CAD Based Geometry Model in Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 111 (2014) 663-667.
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Leppänen, J.
"CAD-based Geometry Type in Serpent 2 -- Application in Fusion Neutronics."
In proc. M&C + SNA + MC 2015 Nashville, TN, Apr. 19-23, 2015.
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Leppänen, J.
"Methodology, Applications and Performance of the Cad-Based Geometry Type in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 176 (2022) 109259.
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Leppänen, J.
"A New Stochastic Geometry Type Based on Voronoi Tessellation in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2023, Niagara Falls, Canada, Aug. 13-17, 2023.
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Talamo, A., Gohar, Y. and Leppänen, J.
"SERPENT validation and optimization with mesh adaptive search on stereolithography geometry models."
Ann. Nucl. Energy, 115 (2018) 619-632.
Variance reduction
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Häkkinen, S.
"Shielding analysis of a spent fuel storage cask using variance reduction with Serpent."
VTT-R-00796-18, VTT Technicel Research Centre of Finland, 2018.
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Kaartinen, D.
"Laskentakoodien Vertailu Säteilymittarien Sijoitus- ja Suoritusanalyysissä."
M.Sc. Thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2019 (in Finnish).
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Kähkönen, T.
"Variance reduction for collimated gamma detector geometry in Serpent."
Special assignment, Aalto University, 2022.
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Leppänen, J., Viitanen, T. and Hyvönen, O.
"Development of a Variance Reduction Scheme in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2017, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 16-20, 2017.
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Leppänen, J.
"Response Matrix Method–Based Importance Solver and Variance Reduction Scheme in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
Nucl. Technol., 205 (2019) 1416-1432.
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Leppänen, J. and Jokipii, M.
"Global Variance Reduction Scheme with Self-Adaptive Weight-Window Mesh in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2019, Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
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Leppänen, J. and Jokipii, M.
"Radiation Shielding Calculations at VTT Center for Nuclear Safety Using the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo Code."
In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.