Main Page
Revision as of 13:20, 30 January 2024 by Ville Valtavirta (talk | contribs) (→Codes under development)
Welcome to the Kraken wiki.
Kraken is a reactor analysis computational framework developed at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
This wiki will document the developed solvers and their coupling and using instructions.
The framework as a whole is still very much under development and functionalities described in this wiki may substantially change from version to version.
Setting up Kraken
- Setting up the Python environment.
- Setting up the Python packages.
- Compiling libFluid.
- Compiling Ants.
- Compiling SuperFINIX.
- Compiling Kharon.
- Testing for a successful setup.
Codes under development
- Ants nodal neutronics code.
- Cerberus multi-physics driver package.
- Cetus reactor simulator package.
- FINIX fuel behaviour module.
- Kharon porous medium thermal hydraulics code.
- Serpent Monte Carlo particle transport code.
- KrakenTools Python 3 package for pre- and postprocessing purposes.
- SuperFINIX core level fuel behaviour module.
- Not distributed yet as a part of Kraken: TRACEWrap wrapper code which enables Cerberus communication with NRC code TRACE.
- Not distributed yet as a part of Kraken: TUWrap wrapper code which enables Cerberus communication with fuel behaviour code TRANSURANUS.
Distribution and Compiling
Kraken progression and demonstration problems
- Three by three assembly asymmetric 3D minicore with coolant temperature and density feedback.
- Three by three assembly asymmetric 3D minicore with feedbacks from TH and fuel behavior.
- An SMR scale demonstration case.
- A demonstration of time-dependence with an SMR startup simulation.
Development instructions
- Details of coupling a solver to Cerberus
- Mesh types
- Version control
- SerpentTest collection of test cases for Serpent.