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[[File:Kraken_schematic.png|thumb|400px| Schematic representation of the Kraken framework. Finnish solver modules developed at VTT are shown in yellow, while potential state-of-the-art third-party solvers to be coupled are shown in orange.]]
Welcome to the Kraken wiki. This wiki serves as the home page for the Kraken project as well as a manual of a sort.
Kraken is a computational reactor analysis framework developed at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
'''The framework as a whole is still very much under development and functionalities described in this wiki may substantially change from version to version.'''
The preferred reference for the framework as a whole is ''Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A., Hovi, V., Tuominen, R., Peltonen, J., Hirvensalo, M., Dorval, E., Lauranto, U. and Komu, R. "Current Status and On-Going Development of VTT's Kraken Core Physics Computational Framework."'' Energies, [https://doi.org/10.3390/en15030876 15 (2022) 876]'''.
== Distribution ==
Kraken 1.2 is distributed and can be requested for non-commercial use through the [https://www.oecd-nea.org/tools/abstract/detail/nea-1924 OECD/NEA Data Bank] and [https://rsicc.ornl.gov/codes/ccc/ccc8/ccc-877.html Radiation Safety Information Computational Center RSICC]
'''The research licenses should be requested directly from either of the two data centers.''' Organizations in NEA Data Bank member countries usually have a nominated liaison officer, who is handling all requests collectively.
'''NOTE''': Kraken is not open source software. The source code is proprietary and subject to export control limitations. The terms and conditions for using Kraken are listed in the software license agreement.
== Disclaimer ==
Kraken is developed at VTT largely for VTT's own reactor analysis needs and is provided for non-commercial research and education use, free of charge, with no guarantees that it will be applicable to your specific modelling problem. Please verify and validate the calculation chains for your specific application before trusting the results.
At the distribution of Kraken 1.2 we consider Kraken to be in an "early access" phase, where some parts of the framework are in a well functioning state and provide good results for specific applications, but other parts are still severely lacking. The documentation is not complete and the installation can be a challenge. You can report any problems you encounter to us at the [https://serpent.vtt.fi/forum/viewforum.php?f=10 Kraken forum]. We will be happy to get this feedback, but likely are not able to resolve the problem for you.
During version updates, we try to not break the existing inputs, but cannot guarantee full backwards compatibility at this early stage of development.
All that said, we hope you find some use in this framework and are also happy to hear about any successful modeling achievements (not only problems)!
== Setting up Kraken ==
Kraken 1.2 is intended for Linux systems even though some of the individual solvers also support Windows.
The distribution package includes several Python packages, which require no major installation as such.
The physics solvers, however, need to be compiled by the user, which requires some expertise.
The following pages intend to give an overview of the compilation and a setup process.
# Setting up the [[Python environment]].
# Setting up the [[Python packages]].
# [[Compiling libFluid]].
# [[Compiling Ants]].
# [[Compiling SuperFINIX]].
#* [[FINIX]] does not need to be compiled separately as it is built as a part of [[SuperFINIX]].
# [[Compiling Kharon]].
# [[Testing for a successful setup]].
== Codes under development ==
== Codes under development ==
[[Ants]] nodal diffusion code.
* [[Ants]] nodal neutronics code.
[[Kharon]] porous medium thermal hydraulics code.
* [[Cerberus]] multi-physics driver package.
[[Cerberus]] multi-physics driver code.
* [[Cetus]] reactor simulator package.
[https://serpent.vtt.fi/mediawiki/index.php Serpent] Monte Carlo particle transport code.
* [[FINIX]] fuel behaviour module.
* [[Kharon]] porous medium thermal hydraulics code.
* [https://serpent.vtt.fi/mediawiki/index.php Serpent] Monte Carlo particle transport code.
* [[KrakenTools]] Python 3 package for pre- and postprocessing purposes.
* [[SuperFINIX]] core level fuel behaviour module.
== Tutorials ==
Tutorials will be updated during April 2024.
* [[Kraken workshop PHYSOR 2024]]
* [[Kraken tutorial 2024]]
== Kraken progression and demonstration problems ==
* A demonstration of time-dependence with an [[SMR startup simulation]].
== Coupling instructions ==
* [[Code coupling in Kraken|Details of coupling a solver to Cerberus]]
* [[Mesh types]]
== Publications ==
A list of publications related to Kraken and its solvers.
*'''Hirvensalo, M., Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.''' ''"Triangular Geometry Model for Ants Nodal Neutronics Solver."'' In proc. [https://www.ans.org/pubs/proceedings/article-50157/ ''M&C 2021''], Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
*'''Ikonen, T., Loukusa, H., Syrjälahti, E., Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J. and Tulkki, V. ''' ''"Module for thermomechanical modeling of LWR fuel in multiphysics simulations."'' Ann. Nucl. Energy, [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306454914005842 84 (2015) 111-121].
*'''Ikonen, T., Syrjälahti, E., Valtavirta, V., Loukusa, H., Leppänen, J. and Tulkki, V. ''' ''"Multiphysics simulation of fast transients with the FINIX fuel behaviour module."'' EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., [http://www.epj-n.org/articles/epjn/abs/2016/01/epjn150079/epjn150079.html 2 (2016) Article 37].
*'''Komu, R., Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V.''' ''"Coupling TRACE with VTT’s Fuel Solver SuperFINIX for Transient Analysis"'', [https://s3.amazonaws.com/amz.xcdsystem.com/3E787F95-FD19-2190-5C4D134AF5B49689_abstract_File8350/FinalPaper_145_0509084505.pdf M&C 2023], August 13-17, 2023, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
*'''Kähkönen, T.''' ''"Calculating spent nuclear fuel composition for secondary nuclear safety analyses using nodal diffusion neutronics.”'', M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Applied Physics, School of Science, Aalto University, 2022.
*'''Lauranto, U., Komu, R., Rintala, A. and Valtavirta, V.''' ''"Validation of the Ants-TRACE code system with VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmarks."'' Ann. Nucl. Energy, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2023.109879 190 (2023) 109879].
*'''Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A., Hovi, V., Tuominen, R., Peltonen, J., Hirvensalo, M., Dorval, E., Lauranto, U. and Komu, R. ''' ''"Current Status and On-Going Development of VTT's Kraken Core Physics Computational framework."'' Energies, [https://doi.org/10.3390/en15030876 15 (2022) 876].
*'''Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.''' ''"Extension of nodal diffusion solver of Ants to hexagonal geometry."'' In proc. [http://www.aer-web.com/paper/824 ''AER 28''], Olomouc, Czech Republic, 8-12 Oct., 2018.
*'''Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.''' ''"Pin power reconstruction method for rectangular geometry in nodal neutronics program Ants."'' In proc. [https://arhiv.djs.si/nene2019/proceedings-html/PDF/NENE2019_608.pdf ''28th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, NENE 2019''], Portoroz, Slovenia, 9-12 Sep., 2019.
*'''Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V.''' ''"Extension of nodal diffusion solver of Ants to hexagonal geometry."'' Kerntechnik, [https://doi.org/10.3139/124.190013 84 (2019) 252-261].
*'''Rintala, A., Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J.''' ''"Microscopic cross section calculation methodology in the Serpent 2 Monte Carlo code"'' [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2021.108603 Annals of Nuclear Energy 164 (2021)].
*'''Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U.''' ''"Time-dependent neutronics model of nodal neutronics program Ants."'' Ann. Nucl. Energy, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2023.109868 190 (2023) 109868].
*'''Sahlberg, V. and Rintala, A.''' ''"Development and first results of a new rectangular nodal diffusion solver of Ants."'' In proc. [https://cris.vtt.fi/ws/portalfiles/portal/81470141/153.pdf ''PHYSOR 2018''], Cancun, Mexico, 22-26 Apr., 2018.
*'''Tuominen, R., Komu, R. and Valtavirta, V.''' ''"Coupling TRACE with Nodal Neutronics Code Ants Using the Exterior Communications Interface and VTT’s Multiphysics Driver Cerberus"'', [https://www.ans.org/pubs/proceedings/article-52804/ PHYSOR 2022], May 15-20, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.
*'''Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V.''' ''"BEAVRS pin-by-pin calculations with Ants-SUBCHANFLOW-SuperFINIX code system."'' Ann. Nucl. Energy, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109447 180 (2023) 109447].
*'''Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V.''' ''"Hybrid Mesh Based Predictions of Rod Level Thermal Margins"'', [https://s3.amazonaws.com/amz.xcdsystem.com/3E787F95-FD19-2190-5C4D134AF5B49689_abstract_File8350/FinalPaper_149_0509061411.pdf M&C 2023], August 13-17, 2023, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
*'''Valtavirta, V., Hovi, V., Loukusa, H., Rintala, A., Sahlberg, V., Tuominen, R. and Leppänen, J. ''' ''"Kraken -- An Upcoming Finnish Reactor Analysis Framework."'' In proc. [https://www.ans.org/pubs/proceedings/article-46664/ ''M&C 2019''], Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
*'''Valtavirta, V. ''' ''"SuperFINIX: A flexible-fidelity core level fuel behavior solver for multi-physics applications."'' In proc. [https://arhiv.djs.si/nene2019/proceedings-html/PDF/NENE2019_601.pdf ''28th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, NENE 2019''], Portoroz, Slovenia, 9-12 Sep., 2019.
*'''Valtavirta, V., Lauranto, U., Hovi, V., Peltonen, J., Rintala, A., Tuominen, R. and Leppänen, J.''' ''"High Fidelity and Reduced Order Solutions to an SMR-level Progression Problem With the Kraken Computational Framework."'' EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) [https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124706014 247 (2021) 06014].
*'''Valtavirta, V. and Tuominen R.''' ''"A simple reactor core simulator based on VTT's Kraken computational framework"'', [https://www.ans.org/pubs/proceedings/article-50003/ M&C 2021], October 3-7, 2021, Raleigh, NC.
*'''Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U. ''' ''"Validating the Serpent-Ants Calculation Chain Using BEAVRS Fresh Core Hot Zero Power Data."'' ASME J. of Nuclear Rad Sci., [https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4052731 8 (2022) 044504].
*'''Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U. ''' ''"Pin power reconstruction for hexagonal geometry in nodal neutronics program Ants."'' Ann. Nucl. Energy, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109384 179 (2022) 109384].
*'''Valtavirta, V. and Rintala A. ''' ''"Validating Kraken for VVER-1000 fuel cycle simulations using the X2 benchmark."'' Ann. Nucl. Energy, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2023.109878 190 (2023) 109878].
*'''Valtavirta, V. and Rintala A. ''' ''"Specifications for the generic polynomial group constant model of Ants."'' VTT Research Report, [[Media:GenPoly_report.pdf|VTT-R-00154-21]], 2021.
== Getting started ==
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Latest revision as of 14:02, 9 October 2024

Schematic representation of the Kraken framework. Finnish solver modules developed at VTT are shown in yellow, while potential state-of-the-art third-party solvers to be coupled are shown in orange.

Welcome to the Kraken wiki. This wiki serves as the home page for the Kraken project as well as a manual of a sort.

Kraken is a computational reactor analysis framework developed at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

The framework as a whole is still very much under development and functionalities described in this wiki may substantially change from version to version.

The preferred reference for the framework as a whole is Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A., Hovi, V., Tuominen, R., Peltonen, J., Hirvensalo, M., Dorval, E., Lauranto, U. and Komu, R. "Current Status and On-Going Development of VTT's Kraken Core Physics Computational Framework." Energies, 15 (2022) 876.


Kraken 1.2 is distributed and can be requested for non-commercial use through the OECD/NEA Data Bank and Radiation Safety Information Computational Center RSICC

The research licenses should be requested directly from either of the two data centers. Organizations in NEA Data Bank member countries usually have a nominated liaison officer, who is handling all requests collectively.

NOTE: Kraken is not open source software. The source code is proprietary and subject to export control limitations. The terms and conditions for using Kraken are listed in the software license agreement.


Kraken is developed at VTT largely for VTT's own reactor analysis needs and is provided for non-commercial research and education use, free of charge, with no guarantees that it will be applicable to your specific modelling problem. Please verify and validate the calculation chains for your specific application before trusting the results.

At the distribution of Kraken 1.2 we consider Kraken to be in an "early access" phase, where some parts of the framework are in a well functioning state and provide good results for specific applications, but other parts are still severely lacking. The documentation is not complete and the installation can be a challenge. You can report any problems you encounter to us at the Kraken forum. We will be happy to get this feedback, but likely are not able to resolve the problem for you.

During version updates, we try to not break the existing inputs, but cannot guarantee full backwards compatibility at this early stage of development.

All that said, we hope you find some use in this framework and are also happy to hear about any successful modeling achievements (not only problems)!

Setting up Kraken

Kraken 1.2 is intended for Linux systems even though some of the individual solvers also support Windows.

The distribution package includes several Python packages, which require no major installation as such.

The physics solvers, however, need to be compiled by the user, which requires some expertise.

The following pages intend to give an overview of the compilation and a setup process.

  1. Setting up the Python environment.
  2. Setting up the Python packages.
  3. Compiling libFluid.
  4. Compiling Ants.
  5. Compiling SuperFINIX.
    • FINIX does not need to be compiled separately as it is built as a part of SuperFINIX.
  6. Compiling Kharon.
  7. Testing for a successful setup.

Codes under development

  • Ants nodal neutronics code.
  • Cerberus multi-physics driver package.
  • Cetus reactor simulator package.
  • FINIX fuel behaviour module.
  • Kharon porous medium thermal hydraulics code.
  • Serpent Monte Carlo particle transport code.
  • KrakenTools Python 3 package for pre- and postprocessing purposes.
  • SuperFINIX core level fuel behaviour module.


Tutorials will be updated during April 2024.

Kraken progression and demonstration problems

Coupling instructions


A list of publications related to Kraken and its solvers.

  • Hirvensalo, M., Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V. "Triangular Geometry Model for Ants Nodal Neutronics Solver." In proc. M&C 2021, Virtual conference, Oct. 3-7, 2021.
  • Ikonen, T., Loukusa, H., Syrjälahti, E., Valtavirta, V., Leppänen, J. and Tulkki, V. "Module for thermomechanical modeling of LWR fuel in multiphysics simulations." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 84 (2015) 111-121.
  • Ikonen, T., Syrjälahti, E., Valtavirta, V., Loukusa, H., Leppänen, J. and Tulkki, V. "Multiphysics simulation of fast transients with the FINIX fuel behaviour module." EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., 2 (2016) Article 37.
  • Komu, R., Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V. "Coupling TRACE with VTT’s Fuel Solver SuperFINIX for Transient Analysis", M&C 2023, August 13-17, 2023, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
  • Kähkönen, T. "Calculating spent nuclear fuel composition for secondary nuclear safety analyses using nodal diffusion neutronics.”, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Applied Physics, School of Science, Aalto University, 2022.
  • Lauranto, U., Komu, R., Rintala, A. and Valtavirta, V. "Validation of the Ants-TRACE code system with VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmarks." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 190 (2023) 109879.
  • Leppänen, J., Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A., Hovi, V., Tuominen, R., Peltonen, J., Hirvensalo, M., Dorval, E., Lauranto, U. and Komu, R. "Current Status and On-Going Development of VTT's Kraken Core Physics Computational framework." Energies, 15 (2022) 876.
  • Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V. "Extension of nodal diffusion solver of Ants to hexagonal geometry." In proc. AER 28, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 8-12 Oct., 2018.
  • Rintala, A. and Sahlberg, V. "Extension of nodal diffusion solver of Ants to hexagonal geometry." Kerntechnik, 84 (2019) 252-261.
  • Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U. "Time-dependent neutronics model of nodal neutronics program Ants." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 190 (2023) 109868.
  • Sahlberg, V. and Rintala, A. "Development and first results of a new rectangular nodal diffusion solver of Ants." In proc. PHYSOR 2018, Cancun, Mexico, 22-26 Apr., 2018.
  • Tuominen, R., Komu, R. and Valtavirta, V. "Coupling TRACE with Nodal Neutronics Code Ants Using the Exterior Communications Interface and VTT’s Multiphysics Driver Cerberus", PHYSOR 2022, May 15-20, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V. "BEAVRS pin-by-pin calculations with Ants-SUBCHANFLOW-SuperFINIX code system." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 180 (2023) 109447.
  • Tuominen, R. and Valtavirta, V. "Hybrid Mesh Based Predictions of Rod Level Thermal Margins", M&C 2023, August 13-17, 2023, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
  • Valtavirta, V., Hovi, V., Loukusa, H., Rintala, A., Sahlberg, V., Tuominen, R. and Leppänen, J. "Kraken -- An Upcoming Finnish Reactor Analysis Framework." In proc. M&C 2019, Portland, OR, Aug. 25-29, 2019.
  • Valtavirta, V., Lauranto, U., Hovi, V., Peltonen, J., Rintala, A., Tuominen, R. and Leppänen, J. "High Fidelity and Reduced Order Solutions to an SMR-level Progression Problem With the Kraken Computational Framework." EJP Web Conference (PHYSOR 2020) 247 (2021) 06014.
  • Valtavirta, V. and Tuominen R. "A simple reactor core simulator based on VTT's Kraken computational framework", M&C 2021, October 3-7, 2021, Raleigh, NC.
  • Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U. "Validating the Serpent-Ants Calculation Chain Using BEAVRS Fresh Core Hot Zero Power Data." ASME J. of Nuclear Rad Sci., 8 (2022) 044504.
  • Valtavirta, V., Rintala, A. and Lauranto, U. "Pin power reconstruction for hexagonal geometry in nodal neutronics program Ants." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 179 (2022) 109384.
  • Valtavirta, V. and Rintala A. "Validating Kraken for VVER-1000 fuel cycle simulations using the X2 benchmark." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 190 (2023) 109878.
  • Valtavirta, V. and Rintala A. "Specifications for the generic polynomial group constant model of Ants." VTT Research Report, VTT-R-00154-21, 2021.

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Some old pages and Internal documents.