Output parameters

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This page lists the output parameters in the main _res.m output file.

Homogenized group constants


  • Group constants are calculated by first homogenizing the geometry using a multi-group structure with H energy groups. The data is then collapsed into the final few-group structure with G groups using the infinite and B1 leakage-corrected flux spectra.
  • The B1 calculation is off by default, and invoked by the set fum option.
  • The intermediate multi-group structure is defined using option set micro.
  • The few-group structure is defined using option set nfg.
  • The universes in which the group constants are calculated are listed in option set gcu. The calculation is performed for root universe 0 by default, and can be switched off with "set gcu -1".

Group constants homogenized in infinite spectrum

Parameter Size Description
INF_MICRO_FLX 2H Multi-group flux
INF_FLX 2G Few-group flux
INF_KINF 2 Infinite multiplication factor

Reaction cross sections

Parameter Size Description
INF_TOT 2G Total cross section
INF_CAPT 2G Capture cross section
INF_FISS 2G Fission cross section
INF_NSF 2G Fission neutron production cross section
INF_KAPPA 2G Average deposited fission energy (MeV)
INF_INVV 2G Inverse neutron speed (s/cm)
INF_NUBAR 2G Average neutron yield
INF_ABS 2G Absorption cross section (capture + fission)
INF_REMXS 2G Removal cross section (group-removal + absorption)
INF_RABSXS 2G Reduced absorption cross section (total - scattering production)

Fission spectra

Parameter Size Description
INF_CHIT 2G Fission spectrum (total)
INF_CHIP 2G Fission spectrum (prompt neutrons)
INF_CHID 2G Fission spectrum (delayed neutrons)

Scattering cross sections


  • Scattering production includes multiplying (n,2n), (n,3n), etc. reactions.
Parameter Size Description
INF_SCATT0 2G Total P0 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT1 2G Total P1 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT2 2G Total P2 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT3 2G Total P3 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT4 2G Total P4 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT5 2G Total P5 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT6 2G Total P6 scattering cross section
INF_SCATT7 2G Total P7 scattering cross section
INF_SCATTP0 2G Total P0 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP1 2G Total P1 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP2 2G Total P2 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP3 2G Total P3 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP4 2G Total P4 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP5 2G Total P5 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP6 2G Total P6 scattering production cross section
INF_SCATTP7 2G Total P7 scattering production cross section

Scattering matrices


  • Scattering production includes multiplying (n,2n), (n,3n), etc. reactions.
  • The order of values (.coe) or value pairs (_res.m) is: $ $ where $ $ refers to scattering from group g to g'.
  • The data in the _res.m file can be read into a G by G matrix with Matlab reshape-command, for example: reshape(INF_S0(idx,1:2:end), G, G).
Parameter Size Description
INF_S0 4G2 P0 scattering matrix
INF_S1 4G2 P1 scattering matrix
INF_S2 4G2 P2 scattering matrix
INF_S3 4G2 P3 scattering matrix
INF_S4 4G2 P4 scattering matrix
INF_S5 4G2 P5 scattering matrix
INF_S6 4G2 P6 scattering matrix
INF_S7 4G2 P7 scattering matrix
INF_SP0 4G2 P0 scattering production matrix
INF_SP1 4G2 P1 scattering production matrix
INF_SP2 4G2 P2 scattering production matrix
INF_SP3 4G2 P3 scattering production matrix
INF_SP4 4G2 P4 scattering production matrix
INF_SP5 4G2 P5 scattering production matrix
INF_SP6 4G2 P6 scattering production matrix
INF_SP7 4G2 P7 scattering production matrix

Diffusion parameters

Parameter Size Description
INF_TRANSPXS 2G Transport cross section
INF_DIFFCOEF 2G Diffusion coefficient

Poison cross sections


  • Printed only if poison cross section option is on (see set poi).
Parameter Size Description
INF_I135_YIELD 2G Fission yield of I-135 (cumulative, includes all precursors)
INF_XE135_YIELD 2G Fission yield of Xe-135
INF_PM149_YIELD 2G Fission yield of Pm-149 (cumulative, includes all precursors)
INF_SM149_YIELD 2G Fission yield of Sm-149
INF_I135_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of I-135
INF_XE135_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of Xe-135
INF_PM149_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of Pm-149
INF_SM149_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of Sm-149
INF_I135_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of I-135
INF_XE135_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of Xe-135
INF_PM149_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of Pm-149
INF_SM149_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of Sm-149

Group constants homogenized in B1 leakage-corrected spectrum

Parameter Size Description
B1_MICRO_FLX 2H Multi-group flux
B1_FLX 2G Few-group flux
B1_KINF 2 Infinite multiplication factor
B1_KEFF 2 Effective multiplication factor
B1_B2 2 Critical buckling
B1_ERR 2 Absolute deviation of keff from unity

Reaction cross sections

Parameter Size Description
B1_TOT 2G Total cross section
B1_CAPT 2G Capture cross section
B1_FISS 2G Fission cross section
B1_NSF 2G Fission neutron production cross section
B1_KAPPA 2G Average deposited fission energy (MeV)
B1_INVV 2G Inverse neutron speed (s/cm)
B1_NUBAR 2G Average neutron yield
B1_ABS 2G Absorption cross section (capture + fission)
B1_REMXS 2G Removal cross section (group-removal + absorption)
B1_RABSXS 2G Reduced absorption cross section (total - scattering production)

Fission spectra

Parameter Size Description
B1_CHIT 2G Fission spectrum (total)
B1_CHIP 2G Fission spectrum (prompt neutrons)
B1_CHID 2G Fission spectrum (delayed neutrons)

Scattering cross sections


  • Scattering production includes multiplying (n,2n), (n,3n), etc. reactions.
Parameter Size Description
B1_SCATT0 2G Total P0 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT1 2G Total P1 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT2 2G Total P2 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT3 2G Total P3 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT4 2G Total P4 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT5 2G Total P5 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT6 2G Total P6 scattering cross section
B1_SCATT7 2G Total P7 scattering cross section
B1_SCATTP0 2G Total P0 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP1 2G Total P1 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP2 2G Total P2 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP3 2G Total P3 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP4 2G Total P4 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP5 2G Total P5 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP6 2G Total P6 scattering production cross section
B1_SCATTP7 2G Total P7 scattering production cross section

Scattering matrices


  • Scattering production includes multiplying (n,2n), (n,3n), etc. reactions.
  • The order of values (.coe) or value pairs (_res.m) is: $ $ where $ $ refers to scattering from group g to g'.
  • The data in the _res.m file can be read into a G by G matrix with Matlab reshape-command, for example: reshape(B1_S0(idx,1:2:end), G, G).
Parameter Size Description
B1_S0 4G2 P0 scattering matrix
B1_S1 4G2 P1 scattering matrix
B1_S2 4G2 P2 scattering matrix
B1_S3 4G2 P3 scattering matrix
B1_S4 4G2 P4 scattering matrix
B1_S5 4G2 P5 scattering matrix
B1_S6 4G2 P6 scattering matrix
B1_S7 4G2 P7 scattering matrix
B1_SP0 4G2 P0 scattering production matrix
B1_SP1 4G2 P1 scattering production matrix
B1_SP2 4G2 P2 scattering production matrix
B1_SP3 4G2 P3 scattering production matrix
B1_SP4 4G2 P4 scattering production matrix
B1_SP5 4G2 P5 scattering production matrix
B1_SP6 4G2 P6 scattering production matrix
B1_SP7 4G2 P7 scattering production matrix

Diffusion parameters

Parameter Size Description
B1_TRANSPXS 2G Transport cross section (calculated from diffusion coefficient)
B1_DIFFCOEF 2G Diffusion coefficient

Poison cross sections


  • Printed only if poison cross section option is on (see set poi).
Parameter Size Description
B1_I135_YIELD 2G Fission yield of I-135 (cumulative, includes all precursors)
B1_XE135_YIELD 2G Fission yield of Xe-135
B1_PM149_YIELD 2G Fission yield of Pm-149 (cumulative, includes all precursors)
B1_SM149_YIELD 2G Fission yield of Sm-149
B1_I135_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of I-135
B1_XE135_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of Xe-135
B1_PM149_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of Pm-149
B1_SM149_MICRO_ABS 2G Microscopic absorption cross section of Sm-149
B1_I135_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of I-135
B1_XE135_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of Xe-135
B1_PM149_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of Pm-149
B1_SM149_MACRO_ABS 2G Macroscopic absorption cross section of Sm-149

Delayed neutron data


  • The output always consists of 9 values: total, followed by precursor group-wise values. If the number of groups is 6, the last two values are zero.
  • The actual number of groups depends on the cross section library used in the calculations. JEFF-3.1, JEFF.3.2 and later evaluations use 8 precursor groups, while earlier evaluations, as well as all ENDF/B and JENDL data is based on 6 groups.
Parameter Size Description
BETA_EFF 9 Effective delayed neutron fraction (currently calculated using the Meulekamp method)
LAMBDA 9 Decay constants

Assembly discontinuity factors


  • Calculation of assembly discontinuity factors requires the set adf option.
  • Surface flux and current tallies are used to calculate the boundary currents and fluxes. Mid-point and corner values are approximated by integrating over a small surface segment.
  • Fluxes and currents are normalized average values.
  • When the homogenized region is surrounded by reflective boundary conditions (zero net-current) the homogeneous flux becomes flat and equal to the volume-averaged heterogeneous flux. When the net currents are non-zero, the homogeneous flux is obtained using the Built-in diffusion flux solver.
  • The calculation currently supports only a limited number of surface types: infinite planes and square and hexagonal prisms.
  • The order of surface and mid-point values for square prisms is: $ $ and the order of corner values: $ $ where $ $ refers to parameter $ $ on surface/corned k and energy group g.
  • The order of surface and mid-point values for hexagonal prims runs clockwise starting from the north (Y-type) or east (X-type) face. The corner values start from the next corner in clockwise direction.
  • Note to developers: the description may be wrong for for X-type hexagonal prism.
Parameter Size Description
DF_SURFACE (string) Name of the surface used for the calculation
DF_SYM 1 Symmetry option defined in the input
DF_N_SURF 1 Number of surface values (denoted as NS below)
DF_N_CORN 1 Number of corner values (denoted as NC below)
DF_VOLUME 1 Volume (3D) or cross sectional area (2D) of the homogenized cell
DF_SURF_AREA NS Area (3D) or perimeter length (2D) of the surface region
DF_MID_AREA NS Area (3D) or perimeter length (2D) of the mid-point region
DF_CORN_AREA NS Area (3D) or perimeter length (2D) of the corner region
DF_SURF_IN_CURR 2G $ $ NS Inward surface currents
DF_SURF_OUT_CURR 2G $ $ NS Outward surface currents
DF_SURF_NET_CURR 2G $ $ NS Net surface currents
DF_MID_IN_CURR 2G $ $ NS Inward mid-point currents
DF_MID_OUT_CURR 2G $ $ NS Outward mid-point currents
DF_MID_NET_CURR 2G $ $ NS Net mid-point currents
DF_CORN_IN_CURR 2G $ $ NC Inward corner currents
DF_CORN_OUT_CURR 2G $ $ NC Outward corner currents
DF_CORN_NET_CURR 2G $ $ NC Net corner currents
DF_HET_VOL_FLUX 2G Heterogeneous flux over homogenized cell
DF_HET_SURF_FLUX 2G $ $ NS Heterogeneous surface flux
DF_HET_CORN_FLUX 2G $ $ NC Heterogeneous corner flux
DF_HOM_VOL_FLUX 2G Homogeneous flux over homogenized cell
DF_HOM_SURF_FLUX 2G $ $ NC Homogeneous surface flux
DF_HOM_CORN_FLUX 2G $ $ NC Homogeneous corner flux
DF_SURF_DF 2G $ $ NC Surface discontinuity factors
DF_CORN_DF 2G $ $ NC Corner discontinuity factors