SuperFINIX theory manual
Field transfers from SuperFINIX meshes to FINIX meshes
Power from SuperFINIX to FINIX
SuperFINIX receives power densities in blocks that have to be discretized in the radial nodes of FINIX. This discretization is based on assumption that the number of axial elements remains unchanged before and after the discretization. Therefore the discretization is only performed in the radial dimension. The main solvers in FINIX assume linear scaling of power density (and most other variables) between two nodal points. To conserve total power over the fuel rod volume, the following method has to be used:
Failed to parse (Missing <code>texvc</code> executable. Please see math/README to configure.): \int\limits_{r_{0}^r_{1}] \left[\nabla\cdot\left(\varepsilon \alpha_q \rho_q u_q\right)\right]\, \text{d}V = \iiint\limits_V \left(\gamma_{pq} + s_{\text{mass},q}\right)\, \text{d}V