Compiling Kharon

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Kharon is Kraken's thermal hydraulics solver containing both Fortran and C code.

Build instructions are provided for Linux and Windows.


The Makefiles are configured to use gnu compilers (gcc and gfortran).

  • On Ubuntu Bionic these compilers can be installed with
    • sudo apt install gcc
    • sudo apt install gfortran

If you want to try a compilation with different compilers the following Makefiles may need to be adjusted


To compile everything, go to the base directory (Kharon) and execute:


To clean the compilation, go to the base directory (Kharon) and command:

make clean

The executable is produced to the main Kharon folder as Kharon/kharon.


  • Open KharonGit.sln in Visual Studio in either vs2015 or vs2019 folder, depending on Visual Studio version
  • Compile debug configuration of tableMaker project
  • Run tableMaker.exe (not in Kharon/vs201?/libTable folder but in Kharon/libTable), thus writing waterTable.h
  • Compile KharonGit project