Ants running manual

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Ants is executed using the command line. The basic syntax is ants [OPTIONS] INPUT-FILE (Linux) or ants.exe [OPTIONS] INPUT-FILE (Windows). Additional parameters for OPTIONS may be given as

 -c --cerberus    use coupled calculation mode with Cerberus
 -h --help        print this help and exit
 -l --list-input  switch on printing of parsed input cards
    --omp NUM     set number of OpenMP threads
 -p --port NUM    port number to be used with coupled calculation mode with Cerberus
    --sparse-cram use sparse CRAM solver
    --new-cram    use new CRAM solver
    --test-only   run only numerics tests
 -v --version     print version information and exit

If --omp is omitted, default number of OpenMP threads is used. Therefore, single thread execution is obtained with --omp 1 option. The --new-cram is only used together with --sparse-cram.