Kraken workshop PHYSOR 2024
Revision as of 14:07, 11 April 2024 by Ville Valtavirta (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Materials for the [|Kraken workshop at PHYSOR 2024] will be hosted on this page. == Welcome and overview of the Work...")
Materials for the workshop at PHYSOR 2024 will be hosted on this page.
Welcome and overview of the Workshop
Short overview of Kraken
This presentation describes gives an overview of Kraken, the related solvers, current applications, future plans and distribution: File:PHYSOR_2024_Kraken_and_Solvers.pdf.
Pre- and post-processing capabilities for Serpent
This part of the workshop looks at some utilities found in the [KrakenTools] Python package that may be of use to Serpent users: File:PHYSOR_2024_KrakenTools_for_Serpent.pdf
Files used for the presentation:
Using Serpent via Cerberus
Here we run some Serpent simulations with the Python based multi-physics driver Cerberus: File:PHYSOR_2024_Kraken_Cerberus.pdf
Files used for the presentation:
- As a first example, the functionality of the Minimal Serpent Coupling Script is replicated using Cerberus: File:PHYSOR_2024_MSCS_with_Cerberus.tgz
- As a second example, the material compositions in a Serpent model are updated during runtime File:PHYSOR_iterate_235U_content.tgz