Ants Cerberus input/output manual
Ants may take input and give output variables and fields from or to Cerberus. Many input variables are shared with the Ants input file and some are only possible to be given via Cerberus.
Note that some of the Ants output fields are updated from the data given in the input fields or variables only after a subsequent solve call.
Input variables
Name | Size and type | Availability | Explanation | Related input cards | Notes |
Ants_iv_boron | 1*float64 | Global value for coolant boron content (ppm) to be used in all nodes or an initial value of boron if it is used as control variable. | iteration boron | If both this variable and Ants_if_boron_concentration are given, the last one sent to Ants will be used. | |
Ants_iv_control_variable | 1*int64 | Set the control variable for critical variable iteration. | iteration control_variable | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsControlVar | |
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_boron | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_boron | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_fission_source | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_fsrc | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_fission_source_l2 | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_fsrc_l2 | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_flux | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_flux | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_keff | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_keff | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_partial_current | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_partial_current | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_poison_density | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_poison_density | |||
Ants_iv_convergence_criterion_power | 1*float64 | iteration conv_crit_power | |||
Ants_iv_corrector_method | 1*int64 | Which type of corrector time integration to use for depletion? | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsCorrector | ||
Ants_iv_corrector_num_substep | 1*int64 | Number of depletion substeps to take on corrector. Default: ?? | |||
Ants_iv_cr_bank_height_<identifier> | 1*float64 | If controlrod group load is defined in input. | controlrod group height | Defined as height of CR lowest end from geometry bottom. | |
Ants_iv_critical_node_method | 1*int64 | iteration critical_node_method | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsCriticalNodeMethod | ||
Ants_iv_critical_node_shift | 1*float64 | iteration critical_node_shift | |||
Ants_iv_critical_node_shift_increment | 1*float64 | ||||
Ants_iv_decay_num_substep | 1*int64 | Number of depletion substeps to take during decay. Default: ?? | |||
Ants_iv_depletion_type | 1*int64 | The type of solution used for depleting materials. | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsDepStyle | ||
Ants_iv_disable_abundant_messages | 1*int64 | If set to 1, disables some abundant warning messages from Ants, printing of which may slow down the calculation. Default value: 0. | |||
Ants_iv_eigenvalue_critical_limit | 1*float64 | iteration eigenvalue_critical_limit | |||
Ants_iv_eigenvalue_critical_limit_fix_sign | 1*float64 | ||||
Ants_iv_eigenvalue_real_limit | 1*float64 | iteration eigenvalue_real_limit | |||
Ants_iv_keff | 1*float64 | Input effective multiplication for boron iteration (Ants_iv_control_variable) or transient calculations, or an initial value for effective multiplication factor iteration. Default: 1.0 | |||
Ants_iv_normalization_variable | 1*int64 | Set the variable to which the neutronics solution is normalized or disable normalization. | iteration normalization_type | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsNormalization | |
Ants_iv_num_datafield_point | 1*int64 | Number of points for which coordinates (Ants_iv_datafield_xyz) will be provided to evaluate point-wise homogeneous flux (Ants_ov_datafield_flux). | |||
Ants_iv_num_inner_iteration | 1*int64 | Number of neutronics inner iterations per outer iteration. | iteration num_inner | ||
Ants_iv_poison_ff | 1*float64 | Factor for accelerating the time in the evaluation of poison concentrations. Default 1.0. | A factor of 10, for example, means that for 1 second of transient simulated, the poison concentrations are updated as if 10 seconds have been elapsed. | ||
Ants_iv_predictor_method | 1*int64 | Which type of predictor time integration to use for depletion? | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsPredictor | ||
Ants_iv_predictor_num_substep | 1*int64 | Number of depletion substeps to take on predictor. Default: ?? | |||
Ants_iv_reset_neutronics_state | 1*int64 | If set to 1, the internal neutronics solution of Ants will be reset and the next solution will begin from that state. | Can be used e.g. for resetting Ants between single-node solutions for different node types. | ||
Ants_iv_samarium_state | 1*int64 | State of samarium chain nuclides during calculation. | iteration samarium_state | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsSamarium | |
Ants_iv_total_power | 1*float64 | Set the core total power (W) for flux normalization. | iteration power | ||
Ants_iv_xenon_state | 1*int64 | State of xenon chain nuclides during calculation. | iteration xenon_state | See cerberus.krakendefs.ants.AntsXenon |
Input fields
Base name | Suffix | Mesh | Type | Units | Explanation | Notes |
Ants_if_boron_concentration | Calculation node | float64 | ppm | Local boron concentration. | If both this field and Ants_iv_boron are given, the last one sent to Ants will be used. If boron is used as control variable, this data will not be used. | |
Ants_if_burnup | Calculation node | float64 | J/kg | Local burnup. | Burnup is not taken into account when initializing Ants micro depletion nuclide fields, if it is not especially requested with Ants_if_mdep_number_density. | |
Ants_if_coolant_density | Calculation node | float64 | kg/m3 | Local coolant density. | ||
Ants_if_coolant_density_unheated | Calculation node | float64 | kg/m3 | Local coolant density in bypass / unheated channel. | ||
Ants_if_coolant_mean_historical_density | Calculation node | float64 | kg/m3 | Local mean historical coolant density. | ||
Ants_if_coolant_temperature | Calculation node | float64 | K | Local coolant temperature. | ||
Ants_if_datafield_xyz | Datafield | float64 | m | Input coordinates (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, ...) for a set of points in which the homogeneous flux can be polled (Ants_of_datafield_flux). | ||
Ants_if_fission_source_expansion_coeff | _poly_<poly>_group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | Coefficients of polynomial fission source expansion. | Used in transient calculations and transient restarts. | |
Ants_if_flux_expansion_coeff | _poly_<poly>_group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | Coefficients of polynomial flux expansion. | Used in transient calculations and transient restarts. | |
Ants_if_fuel_temperature | Calculation node | float64 | Local fuel temperature. | |||
Ants_if_mdep_number_density | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | If any value is below -1E-56 for a node and region, the values will be initialized from the group constant data nominal values according to current node burnup values. | ||
Ants_if_min_eigenvalue_calculated | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | The smallest (absolute) local node eigenvalue calculated, before critical node treatments were applied. | ||
Ants_if_min_eigenvalue_used | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | The smallest (absolute) local node eigenvalue used, after critical node treatments were applied. | ||
Ants_if_netcurrent | _group_<group>_moment_<moment> | Calculation node | float64 | Local node net neutron current moments. | ||
Ants_if_num_pin | Calculation node | int64 | Number of pins in the local node. | Can be used when giving group constants through Cerberus. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_i135 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_np239 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_pm149 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_pu239 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_sm149 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_u238 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_xe135 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_number_density_xe135m | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_if_outcurrent | _group_<group>_moment_<moment> | Calculation node | float64 | Local node outwards neutron current moments. | ||
Ants_if_ppr_form_function | _group_<group> | Calculation node pin | float64 | unitless | Local pin power form functions. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_ppr_wx | Calculation node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell x widths. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. | |
Ants_if_ppr_wy | Calculation node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell y widths | Used for fixed group constant calculations. | |
Ants_if_ppr_x | Calculation node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell centroid x-coordinates. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. | |
Ants_if_ppr_y | Calculation node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell centroid y-coordinates. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. | |
Ants_if_precursor_expansion_coeff | _poly_<poly>_precursor_group_<precgroup> | Calculation node | float64 | Coefficients of polynomial precursor number density expansion. | Used in transient calculations and transient restarts. | |
Ants_if_supernode_boron_concentration | Input node | float64 | ppm | Local boron concentration given for input nodes. | ||
Ants_if_supernode_coolant_density | Input node | float64 | kg/m3 | Local coolant density given for input nodes. | ||
Ants_if_supernode_coolant_density_unheated | Input node | float64 | kg/m3 | Local coolant density in bypass / unheated channel given for input nodes | ||
Ants_if_supernode_coolant_temperature | Input node | float64 | K | Local coolant temperature given for input nodes | ||
Ants_if_supernode_fuel_temperature | Input node | float64 | K | Local fuel temperature given for input nodes. | ||
Ants_if_supernode_ppr_burnup | Input node | float64 | MWd/kgU | Local pin burnup given for input nodes. | ||
Ants_if_xs_absorption | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local absorption cross section. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_beta | _precursor_group_<precgroup> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local delayed neutron fraction. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_chi_delayed | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local delayed fission neutron spectrum. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_chi_prompt | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local prompt fission neutron spectrum. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_chi_total | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local total fission neutron spectrum. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_diffusion | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | m | Local diffusion coefficient. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_discontinuityfactor | _group_<group>_moment_<moment> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local flux moment discontinuity factor. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_fission | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local fission cross section. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_inversevelocity | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | s/m | Local inverse velocity. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_kappafission | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | J/m | Local fission energy production cross section. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_lambda | _precursor_group_<precgroup> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/s | Local precursor decay constant. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_nufission | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local fission neutron production cross section. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_removal | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local removal cross section. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Ants_if_xs_scattering | _group_<fromgroup>_group_<togroup> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local group to group scattering cross sections. | Used for fixed group constant calculations. |
Output variables
Name | Size and type | Availability | Explanation | Notes |
Ants_ov_boron | 1*float64 | Current global boron (ppm). | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_boron | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_fission_source | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_fission_source_l2 | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_flux | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_keff | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_partial_current | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_poison_density | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_criterion_power | 1*float64 | Current value for the convergence limit | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_boron | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_fission_source | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_fission_source_l2 | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_flux | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_keff | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_partial_current | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_poison_density | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_convergence_parameter_power | 1*float64 | Current evaluated value for convergence parameter | ||
Ants_ov_cr_bank_height_<identifier> | 1*float64 | If controlrod group load is defined in input. | Current axial height (cm) of this control rod identifier. | Height of CR lowest end from geometry bottom. |
Ants_ov_is_boron_global | 1*int64 | Does group constant evaluation currently use a global (1) or calculation-node-local (0) value for boron? | ||
Ants_ov_keff | 1*float64 | Current value for keff. Either evaluated for current boron or given as input. | ||
Ants_ov_max_mdep_nuclide | 1*int64 | Maximum number of microdepletion nuclides in any region of any material in the calculation. | ||
Ants_ov_max_mdep_region | 1*int64 | Maximum number of microdepletion regions in any material in the calculation. | ||
Ants_ov_mean_burnup | 1*float64 | Mean burnup in the system. | Calculated correctly from fueled parts? | |
Ants_ov_min_eigenvalue_calculated | 1*float64 | The smallest (absolute) local node eigenvalue calculated, before critical node treatments were applied. | ||
Ants_ov_min_eigenvalue_used | 1*float64 | The smallest (absolute) local node eigenvalue used, after critical node treatments were applied. | ||
Ants_ov_num_group | 1*int64 | Number of neutron groups in the calculation. | ||
Ants_ov_num_moment | 1*int64 | Number of directional flux moments in the calculation. | ||
Ants_ov_num_polynomial | 1*int64 | Number of polynomial terms in the polynomial expansions. | ||
Ants_ov_num_precursor_group | 1*int64 | Number of precursor groups in the calculation. | ||
Ants_ov_total_power | 1*float64 | Current evaluated total power. |
Output fields
Base name | Suffix | Mesh | Type | Units | Explanation | Notes |
Ants_of_active_volume | Calculation node | float64 | m3 | Node active volume (zero for reflector nodes) | ||
Ants_of_boron_concentration | Calculation node | float64 | ppm | Local boron concentration. | ||
Ants_of_burnup | Calculation node | float64 | MWd/kgU | Local burnup. | ||
Ants_of_coolant_mean_historical_density | Calculation node | float64 | kg/m3 | Local mean historical coolant density. | ||
Ants_ov_datafield_flux_group_<group> | Datafield | float64 | 1/(m2s) | Local homogeneous flux. | ||
Ants_ov_datafield_nodal_response | _<resp> | Datafield | float64 | Local homogeneous flux times nodal response function. | ||
Ants_of_fission_source_expansion_coeff | _poly_<poly>_group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | Coefficients of polynomial fission source expansion. | Used in transient calculations and transient restarts. | |
Ants_of_flux | Calculation node | float64 | m/s | Integral flux. | ||
Ants_of_flux_expansion_coeff | _poly_<poly>_group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | Coefficients of polynomial flux expansion. | Used in transient calculations and transient restarts. | |
Ants_of_fuel_assembly_index | Calculation node | int64 | unitless | Which fuel assembly does this node belong to? | ||
Ants_of_hm_mass | Calculation node | float64 | kg | Local heavy metal mass. | ||
Ants_of_mdep_activity | _region_<region> | Microdepletion | float64 | 1/s | Local activity of microdepletion nuclides. | |
Ants_of_mdep_decay_heat | _region_<region> | Microdepletion | float64 | W | Local decay heat of microdepletion nuclides. | |
Ants_of_mdep_number_density | _region_<region> | Microdepletion | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density of microdepletion nuclides. | |
Ants_of_mdep_zai | _region_<region> | Microdepletion | float64 | unitless | Local ZAI of microdepletion nuclides. | |
Ants_of_min_eigenvalue_calculated | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | The smallest (absolute) local node eigenvalue calculated, before critical node treatments were applied. | ||
Ants_of_min_eigenvalue_used | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | The smallest (absolute) local node eigenvalue used, after critical node treatments were applied. | ||
Ants_of_num_mdep_region | Calculation node | int64 | unitless | Number of microdepletion regions present in the local node. | ||
Ants_of_num_nuclide | _region_<region> | Microdepletion | int64 | unitless | Number of nuclides in each microdepletion region. | |
Ants_of_number_density_i135 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_np239 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_pm149 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_pu239 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_sm149 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_u238 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_xe135 | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_number_density_xe135m | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m3 | Local number density. | ||
Ants_of_outcurrent | _group_<group>_moment_<moment> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/s | Local node outwards neutron current moments. | |
Ants_of_power | Calculation node | float64 | W | Local node power. | ||
Ants_of_precursor_expansion_coeff | _poly_<poly>_precursor_group_<precgroup> | Calculation node | float64 | Coefficients of polynomial precursor number density expansion. | Used in transient calculations and transient restarts. | |
Ants_of_supernode_active_volume | Input node | float64 | m3 | Input node active volume (zero for reflector nodes). | ||
Ants_of_supernode_index | Input node | float64 | - | Ants internal index of input node. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_nodal_response | Input node | float64 | Local evaluated value for the nodal response. | |||
Ants_of_supernode_num_pin | Input node | float64 | Number of pins in input node. | |||
Ants_of_supernode_power | Input node | float64 | W | Power of input node. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_burnup | Input node pin | float64 | MWd/kgU | Pin burnup at input node. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_flux | _group_<group> | Input node pin | float64 | m/s | Pin integral group flux at input node. | |
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_hm_mass | Input node pin | float64 | kg/m3 | Pin heavy metal mass at input node. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_power | Input node pin | float64 | W | Pin power at input node. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_power | _group_<group> | Input node pin | float64 | W | Pin group power at input node. | |
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_wx | Input node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell x widths. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_wy | Input node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell y widths | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_x | Input node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell centroid x-coordinates. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_ppr_y | Input node pin | float64 | m | Local pin cell centroid y-coordinates. | ||
Ants_of_supernode_volume | Input node | float64 | m3 | Input node volume | ||
Ants_of_surfaceflux | _group_<group>_moment_<moment> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/s | Local node surface flux moments. | |
Ants_of_volume | Calculation node | float64 | m3 | Node volume. | ||
Ants_of_xs_absorption | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local absorption cross section. | |
Ants_of_xs_beta | _precursor_group_<precgroup> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local delayed neutron fraction. | |
Ants_of_xs_chi_delayed | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local delayed fission neutron spectrum. | |
Ants_of_xs_chi_prompt | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local prompt fission neutron spectrum. | |
Ants_of_xs_chi_total | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local total fission neutron spectrum. | |
Ants_of_xs_diffusion | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | m | Local diffusion coefficient. | |
Ants_of_xs_discontinuityfactor | _group_<group>_moment_<moment> | Calculation node | float64 | unitless | Local flux moment discontinuity factor. | |
Ants_of_xs_fission | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local fission cross section. | |
Ants_of_xs_inversevelocity | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | s/m | Local inverse velocity. | |
Ants_of_xs_kappafission | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | J/m | Local fission energy production cross section. | |
Ants_of_xs_lambda | _precursor_group_<precgroup> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/s | Local precursor decay constant. | |
Ants_of_xs_nufission | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local fission neutron production cross section. | |
Ants_of_xs_removal | _group_<group> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local removal cross section. | |
Ants_of_xs_scattering | _group_<fromgroup>_group_<togroup> | Calculation node | float64 | 1/m | Local group to group scattering cross sections. |
Ants input and output fields are based on a few different meshes.
Input node mesh
Calculation node mesh
Input node pin mesh
A two level mesh where the first level corresponds to the input node mesh, while the second level is a list of the different pins inside the input node.
Calculation node pin mesh
A two level mesh where the first level corresponds to the calculation node mesh, while the second level is a list of the different pins inside the input node.
Microdepletion mesh
A two level mesh where the first level corresponds to the calculation node mesh, while the second level is a list of the different nuclides in the calculation node.
Datafield mesh