SuperFINIX input manual
The input of SuperFINIX follows the same syntactic principles of Serpent inputs, i.e. the format of the input file is unrestricted. The file consists of white-space (space, tab or newline) separated words, containing alphanumeric characters(’a-z’, ’A-Z’, ’0-9’, ’.’, ’-’). If special characters or white spaces need to be used within the word (file names, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within quotes.
The input file is divided into separate data blocks, denoted as cards. The file is processed one card at a time and there are no restrictions regarding the order in which the cards should be organized. The input cards are listed below. Additional options are followed by key word "set". All input cards and options are case-insensitive. Each input card is delimited by the beginning of the next card. It is hence important that none of the parameter strings used within the card coincide with the card identifiers.
The percent-sign ('%') is used to define a comment line. Anything from this character to the end of the line is omitted when the input file is read. The alternative is to use C-style comment sections beginning with "/*" and ending with "*/". Everything between these delimiters is omitted, regardless of the number of newlines or special characters.
This page will contain the whole input syntax of SuperFINIX, with links to more detailed descriptions where needed.
- 1 Input cards
- 2 Input options
- 2.1 set binaryrestart
- 2.2 set burnupmaxstep
- 2.3 set finalrestart
- 2.4 set finixbc
- 2.5 set inrmesh
- 2.6 set optionsfile
- 2.7 set outrmesh
- 2.8 set pport
- 2.9 set rodfile
- 2.10 set scenariofile
- 2.11 set simple
- 2.12 set steadymaxstep
- 2.13 set steadyrelaxtime
- 2.14 set toplattice
- 2.15 set transientmaxstep
- 2.16 set zmesh
Input cards
NOTE: SuperFINIX command words are in boldface and input parameters entered by the user in CAPITAL ITALIC. Optional input parameters are enclosed in [ square brackets ], and when the number of values is not fixed, the remaining values are marked with three dots (...).
lat (regular lattice definition)
Defines a finite two-dimensional lattice in xy-plane with square or X- or Y-type hexagonal elements. The lattice is infinite in z-direction. Input values:
UNI | : universe name of the lattice |
TYPE | : lattice type |
X0 | : x-coordinate of the lattice origin (origin is in the center of the lattice). |
Y0 | : y-coordinate of the lattice origin (origin is in the center of the lattice). |
NX | : number of lattice elements in x-direction |
NY | : number of lattice elements in y-direction |
PITCH | : lattice pitch |
UNIn | : list of universes filling the lattice positions |
Possible lattice types are:
Type | Description |
1 | Square lattice |
2 | X-type hexagonal lattice |
3 | Y-type hexagonal lattice |
- Number of universes in list of universes must be NX × NY.
- For square lattices the x coordinate increases from left to right and the y coordinate increases from top to bottom, so the first NX values in the list of universes create the bottommost (minimum y) row from minimum x to maximum x and the last NX values in the list of universes create the topmost (maximum y) values. Example of the indexing is provided in the attached figure.
- The line breaks usually present in the list of universes are only used to help visualizing the universe order for the user. Serpent ignores them when processing the list of universes.
- The input of X- and Y-type hexagonal lattices is similar to each other, only the directions of the x- and y-axis change. The axis directions can be checked by using the geometry plotter. Examples of the indexing are provided in the attached figures.
rodtype (rod type definition)
rodtype NAME ROD_NAME OPTIONS_NAME SCENARIO_NAME [ multiplicity N ] [ rgb R G B ]
Defines the variations invoked for a branch in the automated burnup sequence.
Mandatory information:
NAME | : Name identifying this rod type in the rest of the SuperFINIX input. |
ROD_NAME | : Name of the FINIX rod block to use for defining the basic fuel rod properties for this rod type. |
OPTIONS_NAME | : Name of the FINIX options block to use for defining the general options for this rod type. |
SCENARIO_NAME | : Name of the FINIX scenario block to use for defining the scenario for this rod type. |
Optional cards:
multiplicity: Multiplicity for this rod type, which is used to divide the values of incoming power before it is passed to a FINIX solver.
N | : Optional multiplicity for the rod, i.e. this rod type represents N fuel rods and the input power for this rod type will be divided by N before being given to FINIX. |
rgb: Rod type color for geometry plots
R | : Value for the red channel of geometry plots (between 0 and 255) |
G | : Value for the green channel of geometry plots (between 0 and 255) |
B | : Value for the blue channel of geometry plots (between 0 and 255) |
- The ROD_NAME, OPTIONS_NAME and SCENARIO_NAME must match block names in the FINIX rod library, options library and scenario library respectively.
include (read another input file)
include FILE
Reads another input file. Input values:
FILE | : name of the input file |
- The include card can be used to simplify the structure of complicated inputs.
- The input parser starts reading and processing the new file from the point where the input card is placed. Processing of the original file continues after the new file is completed.
- The included file must contain complete input cards and options, it cannot be used to read the values of another card.
plot (geometry plot definition)
Produces a png-format geometry plot. Input values:
TYPE | : defines the plot type (orientation and plotting of boundaries) |
XPIX | : horizontal image size in pixels |
YPIX | : vertical image size in pixels |
POS | : position of plot plane |
MIN1 | : minimum horizontal coordinate of plotted region |
MAX1 | : maximum horizontal coordinate of plotted region |
MIN2 | : minimum vertical coordinate of plotted region |
MAX2 | : maximum vertical coordinate of plotted region |
- The TYPE parameter consists of one or two concatenated values ('AB'):
- The first value ('A') defines the plot plane (1 = yz, 2 = xz, 3 = xy).
- The second value ('B') defines which boundaries are plotted (0 = no boundaries, 1 = cell boundaries, 2 = material boundaries, 3 = both). If the second value in is not provided, material boundaries are plotted.
- Each material plotted with different color. The colors are sampled randomly, unless defined using the rgb entry in the material card.
- Void is plotted in black and special colors are used to plot geometry errors (red = overlap, green = undefined region).
- The position parameter defines the location of the plot plane on the axis perpendicular to it (e.g. z-coordinate for xy-type plot).
- The minimum and maximum coordinates define the boundaries of the plotted region (e.g. minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates for xy-type plot). If these coordinates are not provided, the plot is extended to the maximum dimensions of the geometry.
- The relative dimensions of image size in pixels should match that of the plotted region. Otherwise the image gets distorted.
- Geometry plotter requires compiling the source code with GD Graphics libraries.
- Geometry plot produced by the nth plot-card is written in file [input]_geom[n].png.
Input options
Input options are used to set various calculation parameters that are not included in the main input cards. Each option is identified by key word "set". Optional values are enclosed within square brackets.
set binaryrestart
set binaryrestart OPT
Use binary restart files for FINIX and memory internal restarts where possible instead of writing plaintext restart files.
OPT | : option (0/no/1/yes) |
- Default value is 1/yes.
- With binary restart files on, much of the intermediate storage of restarts is handled in program memory.
set burnupmaxstep
set burnupmaxstep STEPSIZE
Maximum step size for FINIX time-integration in burnup problems before the step is divided into internal sub-steps.
STEPSIZE | : Length of step in seconds. |
- Default value is 10 years (60.0*60.0*24*365*10 seconds), meaning that the steps are not subdivided inside SuperFINIX.
set finalrestart
set finalrestart OPT
Should restart files be automatically written for each rod at the end of the calculation?
OPT | : option (0/no/1/yes) |
- Default value is yes.
set finixbc
set finixbc OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set inrmesh
set inrmesh OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set optionsfile
set optionsfile FNAME
Sets path to the file containing FINIX options-definitions.
FNAME | : Path to file. |
set outrmesh
set outrmesh OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set pport
set pport OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set rodfile
set rodfile FNAME
Sets path to the file containing FINIX rod-definitions.
FNAME | : Path to file. |
set scenariofile
set scenariofile FNAME
Sets path to the file containing FINIX scenario-definitions.
FNAME | : Path to file. |
set simple
set simple OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set steadymaxstep
set steadymaxstep OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set steadyrelaxtime
set steadyrelaxtime OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set toplattice
set toplattice LAT
Sets the top-level lattice that is used as the basis for the geometry.
LAT | : Name of the top-level lattice. |
set transientmaxstep
set transientmaxstep OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |
set zmesh
set zmesh OPT
... Description ...
OPT | : Description of option... |