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This works even if the material temperature is between two library temperatures, in which case the therm card will use interpolation.
This works even if the material temperature is between two library temperatures, in which case the therm card will use interpolation.

Latest revision as of 14:33, 12 September 2024

Creating Serpent water compositions

Water composition material cards for Serpent can be generated using the krakentools.writeWaterComposition() method:

docstring for the krakentools.writeWaterComposition method

>>> import krakentools
>>> help(krakentools.writeWaterComposition)
 Help on function writeWaterComposition in module krakentools.utils:

writeWaterComposition(fresh_water_mass_density:float, boron_in_ppm_weight:float,
 temperature:float, fout:TextIO=None, fname:str='./watercomp.txt', thermlibs:Sequence[Tuple[str, float]]=[], mat_name:str=) -> None
   Writes water material card and optionally the therm-card for Serpent into a file
   for a specific state point (fresh water density + boron ppm)
       fresh_water_mass_density {float} --
           target mass density of non-borated water (positive number, g/cm3)
       boron_in_ppm_weight {float} --
           boron concentration in ppm weight
       temperature {float} --
           water temperature in Kelvin
   Keyword Arguments:
       fout {file handle} --
           Handle to a pre-opened file into which the water composition will be
           written (default: {None})
       fname {str} --
           Optional name of file into which the water composition will be
           written (default: {"./watercomp.txt"})
       thermlibs {[N*[str, float]]} --
           A list of (thermal scattering library identifier)-(temperature) pairs
           (default: {None})
       mat_name {str} --
           Name for the created material (default: {""}, will be created based on state point)
       RuntimeError: If the target temperature is not bracketed by the thermal scattering libraries.

By default, the function writes the material card to a file ./watercomp.txt but a pre-opened file handle can be passed as fout keyword argument also. For example:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import krakentools

# --- Open a file into which the composition will be written

fout = open("./some_name.txt","w")

# --- Water density in g/cm3 (does not include boron)

density = 1.0

# --- Boron content in ppm (weight)

boron = 1000

# --- Water temperature in Kelvin (used for tmp card and naming of therm-card)

temperature = 550

# --- Call the method to write the corresponding composition to the file

krakentools.writeWaterComposition(density, boron, temperature, fout=fout)

# --- Close the file


will produce the following file:


mat cool_1000B_100D -1.00100 tmp 550
                            moder lw550K 1001
                            rgb 200 200 255
O-16.03c   3.323385e-01
O-17.03c   1.265963e-04
80170      6.829536e-04
H-1.03c    6.662196e-01
H-2.03c    7.662406e-05
B-10.03c   1.105860e-04
B-11.03c   4.451225e-04

The tmp and moder cards are automatically written based on the requested temperature, but as we provided no thermal scattering libraries, the therm card is not written. We could add a list of thermal scattering library identifiers and their corresponding temperatures, which would also append the correct therm card for the identifier specified in the moder card:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import krakentools

# --- Set of thermal scattering libraries to use
#     [identifier, temperature (K)]

myThermlibs = [["lwe7.00t", 294],
               ["lwe7.02t", 350],
               ["lwe7.04t", 400],
               ["lwe7.06t", 450],
               ["lwe7.08t", 500],
               ["lwe7.10t", 550],
               ["lwe7.12t", 600],
               ["lwe7.14t", 650],
               ["lwe7.18t", 800]]

# --- Open a file into which the composition will be written

fout = open("./some_other_name.txt","w")

# --- Water density in g/cm3 (does not include boron)

density = 1.0

# --- Boron content in ppm (weight)

boron = 1000

# --- Water temperature in Kelvin (used for tmp card and naming of therm-card)

temperature = 550

# --- Call the method to write the corresponding composition to the file

krakentools.writeWaterComposition(density, boron, temperature, fout=fout, thermlibs=myThermLibs)

# --- Close the file


would produce the file


mat cool_1000B_100D -1.00100 tmp 550
                            moder lw550K 1001
                            rgb 200 200 255
O-16.03c   3.323385e-01
O-17.03c   1.265963e-04
80180      6.829536e-04
H-1.03c    6.662196e-01
H-2.03c    7.662406e-05
B-10.03c   1.105860e-04
B-11.03c   4.451225e-04

therm lw550K lwe7.10t

This works even if the material temperature is between two library temperatures, in which case the therm card will use interpolation.